Tuesday, April 25, 2006

In case somebody wonders....

Mr. Sushi is fixing the car, hopefully (fingers and toes crossed) he'll get it back today. Nothing major happened just the lock... Mrs. Evil Reporting Sushi


Anonymous said...

toes crossed, jajaja
I can see you are practising yoga even thinking in being lucky, jijiji
tuesday with postvacational hangover... :(


Sushi for 2 said...

Ays nuri, always complaining. Hmm, tomorrow we'll practise the toes crossing in yoga, i'm sure they have something similar called the stretching croaching butterfly thingy or so...

Mrs. Evil Reporting Sushi (por la gloria de steve jobs, quiero aniquilar a mi jefa)

Avica said...

jejejejejeje, well, I hope you have it already and that you are enjoyin the irish sun with your car and Mr. Sushi family.

And please, let the glory of Mr. Jobs relax, we are not for this mayor company in between us, enouth we have with the mayor Osas and other constalations from this site!!! :) :) :)
