Monday, July 11, 2005

Back to the cold

Hey everybody, we're back, well, we arrived one week ago. But it was such a shock that we could not post or sleep or anything. I'll tell you, we left Spain two Sundays ago with a sweeeet temperature. When we hit Cork Airport the temperature was 9 f****** Celsius degrees. So now on we're Mr. and Mrs. Frozen Sushi. But as many of you don't know the beautiful Galicia, I will show you some of their wonderful landscapes (just to tease you, you know, Mrs. Evil Frozen Sushi's back). So... The Sushi's and Dad in "La Playa de las Catedrales", one of the most amazing spots in Galicia (Please, notice our incredible bodies, due to the amazing galician food). We did so many things: We had dinner: We went by boat: And basically we had fun: In the pic, one of the most classy places in town, Ferrol, of course. So that's it for now, if you want to have all the pics to see how great is Galicia, just ask. By the way last week it was so sunny here that we are all burnt, for more evidences please visit our dear friend Euro Trash Kid in a couple of days, I hope he will update the blog by then. Take care, Mrs. Tanned Frozen Sushi


Sushi for 2 said...

as I am the first I'd like to propose Mrs. Sushi as the blogger of the year because in a time when posting becomes impossible.. she does it and she rocks!

Happy weekend everyone

Alex said...

working sucks!

Sushi for 2 said...

you're daaaamn right!