Monday, June 27, 2005

We are alive...and getting tanned

Hey lads, here we are. Sorry for the delay but as you can imagine we are too busy here going to the beach every day and going out every night, hehe, mrs. evil sushi strikes back you poor non-holiday guys... We are working on the postcards, because due to intense business we are not able to post some pics and make you too jelaous. We are not missing Ireland at all, but we miss you. So do not worry one day we will be back. Meanwhile we are tasting some of the tipical galician products... Warm Regards The Sushi's aka El Bradipo+Minimari


Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

Glad to hear you are having a great time! Not too jealous tho, i am just back from my week sailing at the Sovereigns Cup Race! Sunburnt and exhausted but happy! Off to Greece for a week on Saturday..Catch up when you get back....take care for now!


Anonymous said...

Joer niños!!!

Wow, it really seems you are having fun!
And here it is raining today!!!! joooo, it's not fair!

Me alegra saber que os lo estais pasando tan bien, espero que lo aprovecheis al máximo y que saqueis muchas fotos para darnos toda la envidia possible.

We are also missing you by here and hope to have you between us soon.

Big big kisses and hugs,


Alex said...

ciao eddie, have fun!!!! I've sent you a postcard from Tuscany, hope you'll get one back in ireland... I know I know you don't wanna think about coming back... anyway a postcard awaits for you!

Sushi for 2 said...

Hey ladies and gents,

we're back!! thanks for the lovely comments and we hope to post again as soon as we go through all the news at job.

Take care,

Mr. & Mrs. Sushi