Friday, April 15, 2005

Another party? uff

Dear friends, after a long time of laziness, Sushi for two strikes back. And as we usually do, we are going to another house warming party. This is one of the problems of having such a very busy social schedule, hehe. So this time is the turn to Camilla and Sebastian. And that is an Italian girl and a Danish guy, isn't that weird? Oooh, such a sweet pic!! The party starts around 8ish for Spanish and Italians (yeah, we are famous for our punctuality) and around 9ish for Nordics. The rules, well, bring all the alcohol you can drink...and all the stuff you can... And thank god it's FRIDAY, finally, after a very busy week for Sushi. But be ready, because as most of you know, I moved, and what does it mean? Another house warming party uff. Take care, Mrs. Sushi


Anonymous said...

Well welcome long last, i was starting to go cold turkey with the lack of gossip in my otherwise standard working day!
Good to see you back....C u later


Sushi for 2 said...

Copy that

Anonymous said...

pues ya estás esperando a que yo vaya a cork para hacerla, que las fiestas en esa casa molan(porque al final estás donde el yónatan no?).

Sushi for 2 said...

Nevero dublinés!!! Claro que te espero, en casa del yonatan pero sin yonatan pero con anita.
No sé cuando la voy a hacer pero ya avisaré.
Ya has abandonado el acento corki por el de dublín?
don't worry you're grandshhhhh

Anonymous said...

pues no, todavía no he abandonado mis "tortis", pero también estoy un poco más "juail" y "juat". "shait" y "Aniway" también me molan... tengo que ir incorporándolos, jeje

Anonymous said...

Okay guys

Enough is enough...suficiente or however you spell it en espanol! You are getting to the one entry a week shit and for relaxed bored-in-their-job-kinda-person, this just 'aint good enough!
POST......yawn yawn!


Sushi for 2 said...

Nevero te he cogido los apuntes de italiano para que tu acento se vuelva spanitanglish, que me mola más.

Deb, feck, you seem my manager, very busy here, training all day. I'm not even at my desk. But this week it's Mr. Sushi's turn...